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Jill Anderson


B.A. in Sec. English Ed., 1991

Oklahoma Baptist Univ.

M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction, 2006

UT at Austin


Oklahoma Bible Academy:


Regents School of Austin:


Untalan M.S., Guam:




Joanna Rempel-Knighten


Instructor - Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Talented Youth

Adjunct - Oklahoma Baptist University

TA - Oklahoma University

Teacher - Summit Christian Academy, Round Rock

TA - Baylor University

CCPA- 2017-2021

Manna - 2021- present

B. A in English, 

Oklahoma Baptist University

M.A. in English

Baylor University



Jill Anderson

EWCB was started in 2004 by Jill Anderson. Jill is a Texas-certified secondary English teacher with ten years of teaching experience as a classroom teacher in both public and private schools prior to starting EWCB. In 2006, she received a master's degree in curriculum and instruction from the University of Texas at Austin. Both of her daughters are homeschool graduates; one has completed her degree in music at Ouachita Baptist University and one is attending the University of Mary Hardin Baylor.  Mrs. Anderson has been interested in homeschooling and curriculum design for many years and has designed the curriculum used in all EWCB classes. 

Joanna Rempel-Knighten

Joanna Rempel-Knighten earned her M.A. in English at Baylor University. Her teaching experience includes Baylor, Oklahoma University, Oklahoma Baptist University, Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Talented Youth, and Summit Christian Academy. She is also AP trained and has taught AP English Literature and Composition for over six years.  This year she has been offering  classes through Manna at Redeemer Presbyterian on Tuesdays for the last several years. 

Joanna Knighten

(512) 963-2362


Jill Anderson

(512) 203-4468
